Photo of Cristina Capella Italy

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Cristina Capella lives in Varese.
  She met the icon in 1996, following the required courses
Romanian iconographer.

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2019, I 20 MISTERI DEL ROSARIO a Gazzada
  • 2019, I 20 MISTERI DEL ROSARIO ad Albizzate
  • 2017, I 20 MISTERI DEL ROSARIO a Caravate
  • 2017, I 20 MISTERI DEL ROSARIO al monastero di Cairate
  • 2017, "Mirabile Dio nei Suoi Santi " a Malnate
  • 2016, I 21-29 Maggio 2016- Santuario di Vicoforte:Cappella di San Benedetto
  • 2016, I 20 MISTERI DEL ROSARIO:Chiesa di San Celso a Comerio.1-2 ottobre 2016
  • 2015, Comerio (VA): Un anno con le ICONE giubilare dei Santi: "Il volto della Misericordia" Chiesa di San Celso Domenica 13 dicembre 2015
  • 2013, Icone dei Santi:trasfigurati nella luce della fede
  • 2013, I 20 Misteri del Rosario
  • 2012, I 20 Misteri del Rosario

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See everything we offer you!
4.72 x 5.91 in
13.98 x 16.73 in
9.84 x 7.87 in
7.28 x 10.83 in
5.91 x 7.48 in
11.61 x 13.98 in
9.84 x 11.61 in

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Cristina Capella was born in Turin in 1963 and lives in Varese since 1976.
She started the journey with the \'icon, in 1996 following the courses (first in Luino, then Masnago) kept iconographer Romanian Aurel Ionescu, with whom he collaborated in 2000 to the creation of a \"Via Crucis\".
The first exhibition in 1999 at the Shrine of Brunella in 2002 in the Baptistery of San Giovanni di Varese, in October 2012 at the Sacro Monte of Varese exhibition \"SACRED ICONS: The 20 Mysteries of the Rosary\", revived in 2013 Bobbiate, then Crosio della Valle, then Biume Lower; in September 2013 to the Holy Mount always the exhibition \"ICONS OF SAINTS: Transfigured IN LIGHT OF FAITH\".
In 2015 still \"The 20 Mysteries of the Rosary\" in Voltorre.

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